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Gavinaugh, born Gavin, was a Noble Knight who eventually joined the Knights of the Prince.


Early life[]

Gavin was born in Chessington, the son of a Noble Knight who was mentor to Kifus, the eventual leader of that knightly order. Gavin's father died when he was still a child, leaving him and his mother bereft though still fairly well off. While Gavin was still a child, they were visited by a stranger who they sheltered for a night, giving him a meal before and after he slept. In gratitude, the stranger gifted them with Triumph, a young colt he had with him at the time.

Determined to follow in his father's footsteps, Gavin joined the order of the Noble Knights as squire to Kifus, his father's former protege. Gifted with natural abilities as a swordsman and horseman, in addition to Triumph proving an extraordinary mount, he quickly became a knight himself. Kifus ascended rapidly through the ranks until he became one of the five top-ranked knights below Kifus himself by the age of twenty. It was expected that Gavin would eventually become the best of the Noble Knights, and Kifus approved when his sister Leisel became romantically interested in Gavin.

For his part, though Gavin was flattered by Leisel's attention, his heart was dedicated first and foremost to his duty as a Noble Knight and servant of the King. He would frequently visit the Chamber of the Code at Kifus' palace in Chessington, a privilege reserved for Lord Kifus and the five best knights. There, Gavin would recommit himself to honoring the Articles of the Code and serving the King, which he believed he did best by serving the order.

Kingdom's Call[]

Gavin was involved in a mission of the Noble Knights against a marauding group of Outdwellers, during which battle his life was saved by Kifus. The pair afterwards discussed Leisel's interest in Gavin, and Gavin made one of his visits to the Chamber of the Code. He, like the other Noble Knights, was present in the square before Kifus' palace when Kifus was challenged and defeated by a stranger who declared himself to be the Prince, son of the King.

Under construction

Kingdom's Quest[]

Kingdom's Reign[]

Keanna anticipates being reunited with Gavinaugh after crossing the Great Sea, and questions Cedric as to whether he thinks her hope will be realized. Cedric later witnessed their reunion within the City of the King, and with other Knights of the Prince rejoiced at the sight. Gavinaugh later attended a party at the home of Leinad, Tess, and Talea, in company with Keanna and Weston's family. Cedric reached out to greet Gavinaugh with his left hand, only to have Gavinaugh extend his own right hand, which had been fully healed by his time in the Kingdom Across the Sea.

Gavinaugh joined the other Knights of the Prince and the Silent Warriors in returning to Arrethrae for the Battle of the Ages. Prior to the battle, Cedric noted that Gavinaugh now wore a sword upon either hip, taking advantage of his healed right arm and his training with his left arm to wield two blades in battle. Gavinaugh was among those called by the Prince to act as captains in the battle, and with Keanna and Weston was giving the dangerous task of circling around Lucius' army to the north. Their task was to prevent Lucius' forces from escaping in that direction, a risk given the far superior numbers of Lucius' forces.

At the sound of Micalem's trumpet, Gavinaugh and the others emerged from concealment to surround Lucius' forces. Through their valor and the power of the Prince, Lucius and his forces were defeated, and the Prince took his rightful place as King of Arrethtrae. Gavinaugh and Keanna were appointed as governors of Namor and the seas south of Arrethrae. Ten years later, Gavinaugh was present when Cedric and Talea arrived with word of Lucius' escape from the Wasteland and his approach with an army of Shadow Warriors and Arrethtraen rebels.

On the Prince's orders, Gavinaugh and the other Knights of the Prince formed a ring around the followers of the Prince gathered in Chessington. However, it would not be their role to fight again, for the King arrived and unleashed the Vactors of Fire. Lucius, his army, and all living things in Arrethtrae not sealed to the King and the Prince through the bitter wine were destroyed, but Gavinaugh and his comrades were spared. They then embarked in the ships of the King once again, departing for a new kingdom.



  • Gavinaugh's character and story arc are meant to be allegories for the Biblical account of Paul, a member of the Pharisees who became a follower of Jesus Christ.